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Our Vision


Zoe Warren strongly believes in putting Faith, God, and Christianity first. He believes that a strong foundation in Christ is essential to living a life of purpose and meaning. Zoe is actively working to promote the principles of Christ and encouraging South Carolina to look to Him. Zoe Warren strives to be a living example of putting faith before selfishness


Family is important and is foundational to a healthy society. Zoe Warren firmly believes in the Biblical definition and institution of marriage which should be between one man and one woman, and that kids are best raised by their parents, not the government. He is committed to protecting the sanctity of the family and ensure that it remains strong.


Freedom is our inheritance, and unjust power does not have a place in a free society. Freedom is our inheritance, and it is a gift from God, not something that is granted or can be taken away by the government. As an advocate for freedom, he is proud to stand for freedom in South Carolina, working to protect and defend the rights of all Americans.


From CRT, Porn, & radical marxist ideologies in our public schools, to election shenanigans, the weaponization of government, vaccine mandates, & gun grabbers - I have been on the front lines fighting to preserve the blessings of liberty for us & our posterity. We should never be sold out for federal dollars, or be left to fend for ourselves against federal tyranny.

Zoe Warren next to a stone column


Zoe Warren is the father and husband of a missionary family who has traveled around the globe. He, his wife Victoria, and his three children live in Lexington, South Carolina and have traveled to Pakistan and the Philippines ministering in evangelistic campaigns as a family. They have also served full time at a local mission “Christ Central Ministries - Columbia,” caring for the poor while training believers to do the works that Jesus commanded all disciples to do.

Zoe is also a documentary filmmaker, video producer, and journalist since 2009. He has worked in local and regional news and hosts a weekly show distributed by The New American Magazine addressing issues related to our God-given right to keep and bear arms titled, “2A For Today!”

Zoe is a veteran, having served in the United States Navy.

Zoe has taken his documentary filmmaking and made it part of his advocacy for Americans. He is a student of political science and volunteers as a coordinator for the Center for Self Governance in the area of stopping the Political Weaponization of Labels and Government (PWOL-G) and has traveled to Washington DC frequently taking victims of the weaponization of government and solutions with action that our Congressman can employ to stop the label lynching and due process violations. He and the PWOL-G team have developed strong relationships with members of the Judiciary, Oversight and Weaponization subcommittees, the senior investigators, and their staff.

Zoe has done presentations at school boards, analyzed policies, and helped a statewide network of analyst with strategies to normalize relationships with our elected officials and provide assistance to those officials as an exercise in self-governance. He also trains activists in the Constitution, political science, and how to preserve our Republic by practicing self governance and systematic politics.

Zoe is the former 1st Vice Chairman and Legislative Committee Chairman of the Lexington County Republican Party.

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